Mbeki to visit Zimbabwe
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 00:54:00
Spiwe Ncube
HARARE President Thabo Mbeki is expected to make an official visit to Zimbabwe "probably" in the third week of this month to convey South Africa's growing concern over the turmoil and to mobilize protagonists around his mediation in the long drawn out conflict in Zimbabwe.
Official sources said the visit had been planned for some time and will immediately come after the SADC heads of State meeting scheduled for Lusaka, Zambia in the second week of July. Sources denied the visit was a direct result of the deteriorating situation in Zimbabwe, South Africa's main trading partner.
Our source said the South African government is monitoring developments in Zimbabwe with alarm. There are fears that an economic collapse could lead to a worsening influx of refugees into South Africa.
Mbeki is also reported to have been privately angered by President Mugabe's handling of the crisis over land redistribution and its adverse impact on Africa's image internationally.
South Africa has studiously refrained from making any public comment on developments in Zimbabwe, opting instead for behind-the-scenes diplomacy in an attempt to prevent its troubled neighbour sliding into economic collapse and anarchy.
Nelson Mandela, the former president, was quoted saying "quiet diplomacy" was the best approach for South Africa. "In my experience, South Africa would be more effective if they dealt with the problem quietly," he reportedly said in response to questions. Jacob Zuma, Mbeki's heir apparent however made indirect criticism of Mugabe in a speech at an ANC meeting.
"Powerful leaders should not be allowed to intimidate democratically elected parliaments and should remain accountable to them," Zuma said to applause from delegates.
The opposition MDC has said it believed Mbeki's mediation this time around could bear fruit because he was carrying the SADC mandate. An opposition deputy said Mugabe was likely to repeal POSA and some sections of AIPPA. He was however unsure if they would be any change in terms of the environment.
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The sooner everyone realizes Mbeki is a non-event, the better for everyone! You and I who can even see this article must think of the suffering people in Zim! Anyone who dreams of a solution in the next year is a pathetic hypocrite! Zimbos are dying....being eaten by crocodiles in the Limpopo? SAKA KUSI KUFA NDOKUPI? ARM THE PEOPLE....PERIOD! M S Hove....
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 06:44 AM
Mbeki supports Mugabe 100%
Mbeki will go to Zimbabwe and hold hands in solidarity with Mugabe. Why does the media always go on about Mbeki trying to shift Mugabe. He's not! Mbeki and Mugabe have a shared dream and that is to put their parties in power forever. South Africa will also nationalise in time. That has always been their objective. Why else would Mbeki use his government to promote Mugabe and shelter him on global platforms. What the people of Zimbabwe want doesn't mean a tin of s h i t to Mbeki or Mugabe. It's high time Zimbabweans woke up to this fact. It's all about power, not people.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 07:57 AM
What we need is a straight talking neighbor like J Zuma. This Mbeki guy is clueless about our situation.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 08:11 AM
To Hell with Mbeki
When did he start mediating?? Long back, what was achieved?? zero, so this time you expect wonders from him, forget. We are wasting our time thinking that something will be done by this coackroach. Lets arise and arm ourselves rather than wait for a fellow human being time is no longer on our side
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 08:12 AM
no title
MDC is very stupid Mbeki has been playing games with them for to long what talks ?Mbeki is Mugabe support full stop , he is fighting for Zanu pf survival not Mdc that is why the Ndebeles sold out the struggle , Tsvangirai open your eyes and stop being pused around like r dead wood , remember they r people in jails , and people dying .Mbeki is a non starter . i urge all zimbababweans to invade south africa in our millions and vote for Mr HIV Zuma in our thousand so that we can fix MBEKI.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 08:45 AM
Mbeki to hell Zuma is Boo
Both Mugabe and Mbeki waroyi, the only difference is Mbeki anoroya usiku (queit diplomacy) and yet Mugabe anoroya masikati zuva rakacheka nyika (Ops muramba tsvina, gukura hundi, Talent Mabika you can name Brig Gunda etc.) Why not Zuma in SA and Tsvangison in Zim. All those in the diaspora will came home.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 08:51 AM
MUSAVARWE Mbeki muroyi
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 09:14 AM
Mbeki uyu?????
Maonero angu Sekuru Mbeki havana kusiyana na sekuru Mugabe. Varikurwa vamire kuedza kuita third term as ANC president. Makambozviona kupi kuti President we ANC ndi Mbeki asi President wenyika ari someone else? Mbeki imhata. Hapana kana chinobuda apa. I have no trust for this Asshole called Mbeki. Mark my words. NOTHING WILL COME OUT OF THESE TALKS.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 10:00 AM
Kedu Zuma Ndizvo Manje
Munoreva here uyuyu Great Son of Africa weku discover shower? The best answer to HIV edzi! Isu vamwe tinongotyira kuti vasikana vedu angavapedze vese. Mbuya vaRennie motambira kure kana Zuma vakamutuma kuHarare. Mungatorwe ndikabata pasi. Mbeki wants things to remian dead in Zim so that he continues to use our skilled labour yakatrainwa na va Mugabe.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 10:24 AM
All you fools do not know a bit About MBEKI
I have told you from time and time again Mbeki knows far much greater than all you lot that run away from your country in search of greener pastures . He knows Zim Politics better that street commentators like you . He knew Facts less the propaganda you are fed on . Mbeki knows the Problems in Zimbabwe are 50% solved if Zimbabwe and Britain are in good terms , Hence the SADC initiatives . He know 30% of Zimbabwe problems are solved if Sanctions and credit lines are lifted and restored respectively , hence the SADC/EU initiatives on Zimbabwe. He knows that The lat 20% of Zimbabwe,s problems for lasting solutions are solved for long term sustainability by a new reformed ZANU PF GVT less Mugabe and with a mix of opposition in influencial offices , hence the MDC/ZANU Talks end of story.Like it or not you have got to live with that fact my bruuu.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 10:32 AM
Kenneth Kurwa
Where the hell are you coming from you daughter of the deadly bitch lucifer, all the words you are utter are just rotten haaaaaaaa, bullshit mukanwa makafira dembo.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 10:40 AM
Let me Clarify to you ZUMA,s Words before you get too excited you fools
I have already seen a long list of those clammering ZUMA , ZUMA above yet no one even bothered to analyse what exactly ZUMA,s Words mean and to me his words are not a direct or indirect attack on Mugabe they are infact a direct attack on USA/BRITAIN and EU and thus his words are directly in tandem with Mugabe,s Theme . Here are Zuma,s Words . Jacob Zuma, Mbeki's heir apparent however made indirect criticism of Mugabe in a speech at an ANC meeting. "Powerful leaders should not be allowed to intimidate democratically elected parliaments and should remain accountable to them," Zuma said to applause from delegates. Since When has Robert Mugabe been hailed as a powerful Leader ? Has Robert ever Challenged a democratically Elected Parliament ? In other Words ZUMA is digging at the West / Britain its leaders for Challenging Democratically Elected Parliaments Which Only Robert Mugabe is Accountable to . Meaning The Western GVt must not interfere in the Internal Affairs of another Country that has got its on elected parliaments and the President being accountable only to that parliament. Kuenda Kuchikoro Kwakanaka hama dzangu ndapota .
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 10:45 AM
Kenneth Kurwa
So according to you and certainly not Mbeki, the Zim problem is 50% Mugabe/British bad blood induced, 30% Sanctions induced and 20% Zanu owned. How scientific? So if we remove Zanu PF and Mugabe we will resolve 70% of our problems. If we ignore Makoni and a Reformed Zanu we will notch an 80% reversal of our misfortune and if we ignore Zanu and Mugabe's personal hatred of Britain we will be 50% better off than we are today. Fantastic. Now how do you expect people to vote for Makoni ahead of Britain's blue eyed boy Tsvangirai if your extrapolation is right of which it is not anywhere? Mbeki, Zuma ANC and Mugabe Makoni and Zanu PF are one and the same source of our problems. I can only see a changed attitude towards Zanu and Mugabe engrossing South Africa when a South African Trade Unionist leader matures to the level of our own Lucia Matibenga, Gibson Sibanda, Morgan Tsvangirai, Isaac Matongo and Thokozile Khupe. Before that I expect no sympathies to flow to MDC from ANC. will still resolve
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 11:24 AM
Hatirebwi Masikati you are appearing Clever than i thought..........
Firstly My deepest apologies for misquoting you and in the process tanishing your image. I am very Sorry for that . I have sent an apology soon after i realised i meant to say HUMBULANI. Now back to your Questions 1.Thank you for agreeing with my analysis of Zuma,s Statement which was getting our foolish readers on a roller coaster of praising ZUMA when infact he was not even talking about Mugabe . 2. It is No secret if you remove the Propaganda being chunned out by oppositions that indeed 50% of Zim Crisis is solvable if Britain and Zimbabwe are to get on talking terms . Many countries know that , UN , Knows it and all . I say Rhetoric from opposition because rightfully they should be seen to say its not true there are other issues because they are in opposition , end of story .MDc is doing their Best to opposses but When it comes to finding lasting solutions to the other problems , Propaganda is left on the door step and only clean hands are allowed .Therefore by getting Britain on talking terms with Mugabe it means the removal or retirement of Mugabe 50% of the Problems are solved and therefore credit lines , IMF and World Bank can now speak to Zimbabwe directly without any lobby from Britain and EU because they will be on our side and another 30% of the problem is solved . But these institutions require garantees that other factors of mismanagement , corruption etc are addressed and that the credit lines are utilised to the benefit of the Nation that is divided along party lines and therefore ZANU PF must change or must be seen to be changing and Simba Makoni comes in as the British/Western Favourate not Morgan as he is no longer their boy anymore . He made greater judgemental mistakes and knowing the British myself they do not forgive anyone that embarasses them they move on and now its going to be SIMBA MAKONI,s turn .Therefore with my statistics youhave got to be seen to tackle greater and easier solutions first and in this case it is now easier to remove Robert Mugabe , that will in turn leads to the lifting of sanctions , opening of credit lines and then reorganisation of Zimbabweans into a GVT of National Unity . Morgan though will not be forgotten , i can bet on that .Though i dislike him i will be the first guest in his Office to congradulate him , if i am still alive. I have noticed a cunny analysis in your response Hatirebwi . You thought my % were independent factors which you could play around like a puzzle trying to get the best fit . You nearly got me again but no these % are in a conceptual framework , one thing leading to the other .
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 11:53 AM
Kenneth Kurwa
You have seen the light. Stastical political data is not always as accurateas you believe. The issue is you wont know for sure if Simba is a favoured politician to Tsvangirai until he is on the stage. You will only gauge his strngths properly when he is unleashed on the main political arena. That is why for now I would rather concentrate on the visible playes and not him. What you are seeing on the ground with MDC rallies s nothing compared to what will happen if police violence against him and his loyalist is taken out of the equation. Not even Matibili can pull the crowds Tsvangirai is pulling and with a tolerant political environment even the cowardly will flock to his rallies rather than the converse you postulate. MDC members are the bravest Zimbabweans I have seen in my life that started in the Federation
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 12:22 PM
Hatirebwi Thank you for the Conclusions
Hatirebwi you have finally arrived at my conclusions . The Whole Election Monitoring Team for Africa is rejoicing as i write that you have even supported their findings. 1. It is true we agree that Morgan is puling large crowds and if the police does not intimidate the POVO there will be even larger crowds . That our Team has postulated . 2. The Crowds Robert Pulls is not expected to be greater that Morgan.s crowds as the people are expecting a new direction , knew announcements and Robert Cannot give that and hence people cannot Come in numbers greater than Morgan and our results confirm that. 3. Where we have a problem is the Launch of another ZANU PF Candidate the Likes Of Simba Makoni , Our initial results indicates Mayhem not Large Crodws . Our Initial results indicates greater affinity to Simba Makoni than to Morgan Therefore Though both will attract Larger Crowds earlier indications favour Larger Crodws for Simba based on the Criterio i mentioned to you on the electibility Scale .
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 12:37 PM
Keneth Kurwa
ZUMA JACOB actually refered to Mugabe,its very clear. I, however salute you for being a genius for trying to explain away simple and straigtforward statements. typical of zanu pf spin doctors. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS 1. Mugabe overuled several adverse reports of parliament on so many bills (now laws)eg POSA, AIPPA etc. Do you remeber how the late EDSON ZVOBGO fought and other zanu & OPPOSITION legislators fought AIPPA&POSA? MUGABE reacted by calling for acuacus meeting and whipped all zanu legiaslators into line. 2. REmember how Mugabe sent our troops to DRC without parliament approval? 3. remember Mugabe"s selective presidential powers? Yes is a poweful PRESIDENT NOT ACCUONTABLE TO AN ELECTED PARLIAMENT. ZUMA AND ALL FAIR MINDED SADC citizerns are very much aware of this.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 01:01 PM
ZUMA,s Statement is Clear for all to see SAUNYAMA , it did not Escape Kenneth
Did you ever think what Presidential powers are ? do you know that it is his right according to the Law to overule Parliament ? What if i tell you that George Bush did overule the Senate,s recommendations not to increase the iraq budget ? What if i tell you that Even though the British Parliament was clearly divided on the War in Iraq Britain through Tony Blair himself and alone with little parliamentary Support Went to War .That is WHY GORDON BROWN has STARTED by SAYING he WILL RETURN POWER to the PARLIAMENT and NEVER AGAIN will BRITAIN go to WAR without Parliament approval. Therefore its not Spin Muface its simple analysis , ZUMA never meant Robert Mugabe end of story , no matter how you yourself can try to spin it . Analyse the statement as it is my BRUU. Since When has Robert Mugabe been addressed as Powerful Leader in the First Place ? Start from there and then move foward .
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 01:18 PM
Kenneth the LONE fighter
I stayed for a longtime with a brother called Kenneth. For convinience sake can you change your name to:- Tambu, Chenhamo, or if you prefer K as your first letter Kamhiripiri those tome sound more faminine than Kenneth.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 01:20 PM
Kenneth Kurwa
The anticipated launch you talk of is in its infancy if you ask me. Wait until Matibili makes his move on the initiators of that innovation and see if it will survive. That will be popularity and resolve test No 1 for him. Second if only you knew the relationship between Tsvangirai/ Manyonda/ Makoni you would not be postulating what you are saying. It is Tsvangirai who is better placed to accommodate Makoni rather than the converse that you postulate. Ever wondered why Mujuru is trying to court Tsvangirai at this juncture? He knows who is who between Tsvangirai and Makoni. Mujuru and Makoni cannot torpedo Mugabe alone as they do not have enough Parliamentary support nor structured grassroots support in Zanu. Matibili has the structures firmly under his control. Tsvangirai has both grassroots support and parliamentary clout ad his main problem is State scripted violence. Remove that and his credibility soars to heights hitherto unimagined. That is what Mujuru wants. He does not trust Tsvangirai and he knows the converse is true. That's why he has scouted for a relative of Tsvangirai to put forward as his Zanu PF ambitions proxy and Makoni fits the bill well. After dealing No 18 Amendment blow a fatal blow with Tsvangirai's envisaged Parliamentary support he will ditch Makoni for his wife for Presidency. Tsvangirai is not oblivious of this and might just use the opportunity to further gain mileage and negotiate Makoni's accommodation in MDC thereby putting paid to Makoni's representation of Zanu. Conversely Tsvangirai can simply refuse to go along with the Simba Makoni/Mujuru proposal and that will close the Parliamentary coup leaving the Zanu Congress the only avenue to follow. Now you know as well as I do what will happen at the Zanu Congress. Manyika/Kasukuwere/Muchinguri and all provincial Chairmen will nominate Mugabe. Period.
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 01:27 PM
We are tired of reading about the so called bitch`s statements-Kenneth Kurwa, Mr Editor if you can do us a favour of deleting all her efforts. she is useless
Posted By : Jul 5 2007 02:31 PM
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